Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens

Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens

874 Visitors:
Area: Neos Kosmos
Telephone: 2130241349
Mobile: 6977069631
P.C.: 11745
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Massage is perhaps the most ancient form of therapy as it has been used for thousands of years. Massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, lungs, circulatory and immune systems, favors the nervous and, of course, the muscular and skeletal systems, reduces blood pressure and helps dilate blood vessels and oxygenate the cells. In our Center you will find relaxing, lymphatic massage, stone massage, cupping, treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Osteoarthr...
874 Visitors:


874 Visitors:

Massage is perhaps the most ancient form of therapy as it has been used for thousands of years.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, lungs, circulatory and immune systems, favors the nervous and, of course, the muscular and skeletal systems, reduces blood pressure and helps dilate blood vessels and oxygenate the cells.

In our Center you will find relaxing, lymphatic massage, stone massage, cupping, treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Epicondylitis, Shoulder Tendonitis, Muscle Spasm and Cramp, Periostitis, Sprain, Contusion, Achilles Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chondropathy & Baker's Cyst, Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Acantha, Tendonitis and De Quervain's Syndrome, Trochanteritis and Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Opioid Syndrome, Morton's Neuroma, Meniscal Tear, Frozen Shoulder, Cruciate Knee Rupture, Collateral Knee Rupture, Patient Muscle Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy.


Relaxing therapeutic Massage
Massage is perhaps the most ancient form of therapy as it has been used for thousands of years on both healthy and sick people. One way of communication is touch, it is the first sense that man develops. Massage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, lungs, circulatory and immune systems, favors the nervous and, of course, the muscular and skeletal systems, reduces blood pressure and helps dilate blood vessels and oxygenate the cells.
Duration 45'/€20.00
Duration 60'/€25.00


Massage with stones
Hot stones have analgesic properties that relieve muscle pain and vasodilator action that improves blood circulation and the transport of oxygen to the tissues. In combination with the appropriate essential oils that are spread over the body during the massage, the result creates unique well-being. Among the benefits of massage with natural basalt stones of volcanic origin is the increase in blood circulation and detoxification.
Duration 45'/€25.00
Duration 60'/€30.00

Massage with suction cups
Cupping is a safe, non-violent and economical technique used in the relief of pain caused by disorders in the lungs and other internal organs, muscle spasms, joint pain. They are a treatment method based on creating a local absorbent force by applying vacuum cups to the skin creating a vacuum and negative pressure while helping to drain retained fluids and toxins. It stimulates the peripheral nervous system, restores the free flow of blood.
Duration 30'/€20.00
Duration 45'/€25.00

Anti-aging Face Massage + roller
Our various facial expressions create lines and wrinkles that affect the healthy function of muscles and skin. Benefits are better blood circulation, hydration, elasticity, skin color that looks healthier, brighter and more rosy due to better blood circulation and oxygenation of cells. Through the lymph, toxins, swelling and dark circles leave.
Duration 30'/€15.00
Duration 45'/€20.00


Lymphatic massage
It targets the lymphatic organs, lymph nodes and lymph vessels with the aim of improving lymph circulation. It aims to strengthen the immune system and detoxify the body, helps to reduce retention, increase the activity of the immune system and increase the production of lymphocytes.
Duration 30'/€15.00
Duration 45'/€20.00
Duration 60'/€25.00

Cellulitis Massage
Where cellulite appears, there is poor blood circulation and swelling of the fat cells, causing the connective tissue to lose its elasticity. Massage contributes to decongestion, helps the body to detoxify. For cellulite, massage is very important as it reduces the relaxation of the skin by promoting its tightening, normalizes the stretch marks, while increasing the oxygenation of the tissues. It enhances microcirculation & manages to remove fluid retention that is responsible for the appearance of swelling.
Duration 30'/€20.00
Duration 45'/€25.00
Duration 60'/€30.00

Treatments of Musculoskeletal Diseases
Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Osteoarthritis, Epicondylitis, Shoulder Tendonitis, Muscle Spasm and Cramp, Periostitis, Sprain, Sprain, Achilles Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chondropathy & Baker's Cyst, Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Acantha, Tendonitis Tendonitis tritis and de quervain syndrome, Trochanteritis and iliotibial band syndrome, Opioid Syndrome, Morton's Neuroma, Meniscal Rupture, Frozen Shoulder, Cruciate Knee Rupture, Collateral Knee Rupture, Patient Muscular Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy.
Duration 30'/€20.00


Analgesic Massage
Analgesic massage is a type of massage that relieves and relieves the symptoms of chronic diseases that people face in everyday life. The causes of these diseases can be bad posture, lack of exercise, stress, etc.
Analgesic massage is aimed at the alternative treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, as well as the care and rejuvenation of the entire organism, giving therapeutic stimuli to the body and awakening the ability of self-healing that we all have.
Duration 30'/€20.00


Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Relaxing therapeutic Massage
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Massage with stones
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Massage with suction cups
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Anti-aging Face Massage + roller
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Lymphatic massage
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Cellulitis Massage
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Treatments of Musculoskeletal Diseases
Alternative Therapies & Massage Center - Relaxing massage - Lymphatic massage - Alternative Therapies Neos Kosmos Athens Analgesic Massage
874 Visitors:

Neos Kosmos

Telephone: 2130241349
Mobile: 6977069631

Working Hours

11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00
11:00 – 21:00